Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Why did they attack us?


At 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

US support for Isreal shouldn't cause anyone in their right mind to indiscriminately fly planes into buildings. Unless, of course, your ideology promises rewards of upteen virgins in the "next life".
Given a free choice, I support ideologies where I can have interesting conversation and intercourse with the opposite sex with out the fear of a rubber hose or execution. And especially ideologies where I can read, print and discuus a cartoon, book, or painting without zealot physical reprisal.

At 6:37 PM, Blogger Bird said...


The point was that the US wasn't attacked for no reason, as some would like us to believe. Al Queda had a reason and were crazy enough to fly into buildings to make their point. Our support for Isreal has caused many problems in that region, not just with all the money and weapons we provide, but in turning a blind eye when they used them against the Palestinans and lately the Lebanese, a stuggling democracy we claim to support :(


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