Friday, October 06, 2006

Marching in a Gay Rights Parade is not the same as supporting Pedophillia... What part of Gay Rights doesn't he get?

Nancy Pelosi is from San Francisco where many of her constituents are gay... Is Pat Buchanan saying that politicians cannot be in parades that support gay rights just because the parade includes other groups that are not supported like NAMBLA?

And of course no one mentions other pedophilia story like the one involving the conservative Washington Times paper...

"A federal judge yesterday ordered a former human resources director for The Washington Times to be held without bail while a grand jury investigates charges that he tried to entice a minor on the Internet.

U.S. Magistrate Deborah A. Robinson yesterday rejected a $50,000 bond request for Randall Casseday, 53, who has been confined in the D.C. Jail since his arrest Sept. 26."

at least that guy is in jail.. the big question is why is Foley not in jail?


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