Sunday, January 14, 2007

Condi is an idiot

So Abercrombie criticized Condi in the Star Bulletin by saying she was "the most overrated, underperforming individual in executive authority that I have ever seen."

"She constantly gets a pass. Who knows if the whole question of race and gender come into it, but ... I can't account for it, except to say she isn't up to the mark," Abercrombie said. Rice is scheduled to testify before the Senate.

And for some reason, someone thinks this is a personal attack. So if she were a white guy and he said the same thing.. it wouldn't be personal? A f*ckup is a f*ckup and he has every right to criticize her bad performance and wonder why she hasn't been held accountable (at least retired and given the medal of freedom).. oh that's right, according to Laura Bush, she doesn't have a family, so she has no one she can spend more time with (other than her "husband", the President).. but he did promote her to Secretary of State after screwing up the whole "Osama determined to strike in the United States" bullshit and when she wrote an article for the New York Times in January 2003, titled "Why We Know Iraq is Lying", explaining that Iraq's claims to have disarmed were sheer folly. She also warned before that war, "We do know that Saddam Hussein is actively pursuing a nuclear weapon... "We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud"... she has lied and been wrong about everything and when the senate finally gets up the courage to criticize her, all the media wants to talk about is her lack of children..

Confusing? because you are an idiot! Barbara Boxer was saying that the military families were paying the price for this war.. not her, with older children, or you with none. The point is YOU ARE NOT PAYING THE ULTIMATE PRICE SINCE YOU WILL NOT LOSE A LOVED ONE AS A RESULT OF YOUR DECISIONS!

but of course the FOX machine will spin it for you!

but I'll make a personal statement... she's also a jerk! according to The Guardian

"Several anecdotes exemplify Rice's attitude to her race and also her ferocity when attacked. She famously told one interviewer: 'Let me explain to you: I speak French, I play Bach, I'm better in your culture than you are.'

On another occasion, when Rice was an academic at Stanford, she was shopping for expensive jewellery with a friend when a white clerk made some hostile comments. 'Let's get one thing straight,' Rice reportedly told him. 'You're behind the counter because you have to work for six dollars an hour. I'm on this side asking to see the good jewellery because I make considerably more."


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