Wednesday, January 03, 2007

If only more football games were like this :)

Can't stand the game, but I like watching the roller coaster ride that the people who cared how it turned out were on.. the looks are their faces are priceless :) We got a fake play, a few touch downs, and then another fake play by the same team (you think they'd learn), and then a marriage proposal by the guy who won the game to his cheerleader girlfriend to top it off! I guess UH gets some of the winners money since Boise is in the same league.. so the outcome affects me slightly...


At 7:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

How is a play fake? You can have a play fake but not a fake play. Trick play is more like it. Also touchdown is one word.

At 7:30 PM, Blogger Bird said...

A fake play is when you pretend to do one thing and then do another..fake the other team out.. sorry, it could be a pidgin term from back in the day.. trick play is more accurate, but the phrase I rememeber is "fake em out"... my bad!


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