Monday, March 05, 2007

Is this what they're doing in Kansas?

I'm sure the FOX network would let the creationists get away with it :(


At 4:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I was wondering why Libs hate fox cable news so much. Why aren't libs worried about when the network news screw up? Is it because the network news slants so far left the facts don't matter. If you don't like Fox don't watch. If you don't like Rush don't listen. Even a Lib can understand that.

PS I bought a DVD burner.


At 3:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here you go. You can now own a part of GOP nostalgia: the "massage" table that Ted Haggard and his "friend" did nothing wrong on.

This beats Newt telling his cancer ridden wife to get lost because he was banging his own brand of intern while he was on a witch hunt for another sort.

The stories have a similar theme though, which is to say maybe that they should quit calling the pot kettle black. Pretty pathetic in the end, especially when you consider how much money was wasted trying to impeach a president for having a bit presidential fun (think Harding and the broom closet)


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