Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I'm glad they're released.. but what about the hostages WE have?


At 9:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't know about you, but I like to see the opposite sex not having to cover THEIR bodies. I certainly don't like to see women in general forced to where anything. I like going to the beach and seeing bikini's. I also like to throw a few beers back every once in awhile. And I am especially fond of the absence of the moral police force which is common in Iran. Check out the section on what women are up to, besides being stoned.
The US did release a hostage. (See 4/5/07 ). While Iraq was a mistake, Iran is evil incarnate; the use of religious zealotry to suppress individual freedom, especially of women is everything I abhor.
Iran's global and religious position as well as its quest for nukes makes it ground worthy of razing. While I try and understand different cultures and am willing to respect it, I must activally oppose it's exportation into the surrounding cultures, such as yours and mine, and especially if it's cancerous.
Thankyou for letting me vent.
Also, The USA is a place where you can look in the mirror and see many imperfections so that you can thinktank and work on them. As you know, some are hideous. You can call them out and wave them around. Anyways, what I'm saying is... the US is so far ahead in living standards and personal freedoms that second place ie. china, russia, et al, are middle age/dark age resoviours. Its scary to think that a downward economic cycle might bring about a seeding ground where religious misogony and racism could become mainstream.

At 11:31 PM, Blogger Bird said...

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