Friday, April 27, 2007

What the hell is wrong with the Repugs!?!

Aren't they the party of family values? Didn't he teach his kids anything? Maybe the discussion he should of had at the dinner table was "Son, don't carry a loaded gun onto a plane" I could tell he was a little out of touch when he called Steven Colbert "a real conservative, just like me" Click here to watch the interview.. I guess he missed Colbert at last years White House Correspondent's Dinner :)

Huckabee's Son Arrested With Gun

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - David Huckabee, a son of Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, was arrested at an Arkansas airport Thursday after a federal X-ray technician detected a loaded Glock pistol in his carry-on luggage.


At 8:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Isn’t there something to be said for stereotypes? After all, isn’t Dave a son of a preacher man? I mean this is the enlightened presidential candidate that graduated at the top of his class at the esteemed liberal arts bastion Ouachita Baptist University. I would vote for the man on those credentials alone, and the fact that he is from the presidential hotbed of Hope, Arkansas, home to another true moral exemplar.

It is a matter of framing. Huckbee has done at least one good thing for his state, like actually use the tobacco settlement money for heath care. Plus, he is a devout creationist which is important in these trying times of war. So it is only natural that his son would want to protect himself on an airplane that could be filled with radical Muslim Islamic fundamentalists terrorists with bombs strapped against their hairless chests.

Anyway, vote for Huckbee because the White House needs a man that understands the nature of this modern crusade. His son, who obviously is a card carrying member of the NRA and the head of some inbred backwoods Arkansas militia, can be the Secretary of Defense. His knowledge of weaponry will be essential in this fight against the evil other religion.

Huckbee 08!!!!!


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