Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Wow.. I wonder if the Koolaid drinkers heard what he said....

That is, before the talking points became calling him "the nutty professor"


At 5:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, but this guy, who is a trip in interviews, especailly with bill maher, is a true libertarian more than he is a regan republican. He is more in line with the thinking of someone out of the Cato institute like pj orourke. However, he has done his share of bush ass kissing over the course of 7 years.

At 10:44 AM, Blogger Bird said...

Of course, everyone in the GOP has towed the party line and looked the other way to appease Bush. It's sick to see them now say they were against this war from the beginning.. why didn't they speak up then? Only those that spoke up were shamed into silence or made fun of by the blood thirsty Bushites :( At least this guy read the 911 report and had the nerve to bring it up in the presence of the guy who was stupid enough to make the command center in the basement of the Towers and then run around lost that morning until the cameras found him.


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