Sunday, January 14, 2007

Rush is out for Iran

He even pushed a made up story...

RUSH: (story) "The Iranian government, led by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has decided that badges will be required for non-Muslims in Iran. Human rights groups [amazingly], are raising alarms over this." I don't recall human rights groups coming to the defense of Christians lately, but I guess they've got no choice here. Human rights groups, "raising alarms over a new law passed by the Iranian parliament that would require the consultant's Jews and Christians to wear colored badges to identify them and other religious minorities as non-Muslims. 'This is reminiscent of the Holocaust,' said Rabbi Marvin Heier, the dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles. 'Iran is moving closer and closer to the ideology of the Nazis.'" Well, he's right, but he's not the first to say it. Let's go back to me, April 17th on this very program.


RUSH ARCHIVE: Churchill had this problem back in the thirties with Hitler. It's eerie how similar this is. Hitler was rearming; he was engaged in turning his population into a bunch of psychos. He was creating the Nazi Party, and Churchill is out there warning everybody, and nobody wanted to listen to him -- and we got the era of Neville Chamberlain, and because nobody wanted to listen to Churchill, nobody thought he knew what he was talking about -- because nobody wanted war.

"Ah, let him do what he wants to do. He's not going to attack us. It doesn't matter," and there's an eerie parallel here because while the Iranians are doing the same thing, a bunch of experts say, "Ah, it's just bluster. They can't get a bomb for ten years. We don't need to do anything," and we've got all these experts in this country saying (breathless), "If we do anything in Iran, it's going to look just like Iraq! It's going to be a mistake!"


RUSH: The parallels are eerie. Once again a demonstration of this program keeping you on the cutting edge of societal evolution.

Unfortunately, I cannot link the orignial story since both the NY post and both admitted it was false and removed it.. of course Rush's website or Rush himself won't admit that! Of course the guy who made up the story gets invited to the White House

"Two weeks ago, Amir Taheri published an op-ed in Canada's National Post about an Iranian law that forced Jews to wear a yellow stripe. The story, reminiscent of Nazi Germany, quickly provoked outrage, but was just as quickly revealed to be a total fabrication. It also ran in the New York Post.

Apparently this is just the sort of reliable advice that President Bush needs. Yesterday, Taheri had a face-to-face with the President as one of a small group of "experts" on Iraq that visited the White House.

According to Press Secretary Tony Snow, the experts were invited to the White House for their "honest opinions" on Iraq."


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