If Microsoft did iPod...
"In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit." -Albert Schweitzer
Ok, this is creepy.. I posted this video to highlight the dangerous tests this country has done in the past, having no idea that we were still doing them ON THIS EXACT DAY.. very strange.. the video can be seen at:
As his helicopter approached the site, Mr. Bahamonde testified in October, there was no mistaking what had happened: large sections of the levee had fallen over, leaving the section of the city on the collapsed side entirely submerged, but the neighborhood on the other side relatively dry. He snapped a picture of the scene with a small camera.But no one seems to have told the President, who famously said the day after Katrina hit that New Orleans "dodged the bullet." And who continued on with his vacation, clearing brush, riding his bike, getting a new guitar...all the while, New Orleans was drowning...for days before the President seemed to get the message.
"The situation is only going to get worse," he said he warned Mr. Brown, then the FEMA director, whom he called about 8 p.m. Monday Eastern time to report on his helicopter tour.
"Thank you," he said Mr. Brown replied. "I am now going to call the White House."
So finally the report is out saying what many have know, that the White House knew on the night of Katrina that the levees had broken and the city of New Orleans was flooding.. even Mr. Bill knew that would be a catastrophe...
This is one of those videos that needs to be seen to believe.. although it is pretty disturbing for shark fans...
A favorite commercial a few super bowls back.. didn't see the game this year.. come to think of it, I haven't seen the super bowl for awhile now.. not sure if the lastest commercials have been as good as this one...
It's not good when you're looking for a job to see a video like this.. to remind you of how bad some jobs can be!
This is a great clip to see how Microsoft is responding to all its problems.. by taking it out on the software engineers!