Saturday, September 30, 2006

Our Dear Leader has brainwashed the people

What took these guys so long! Maybe they don't want to be part of the anti-incumbent fever...

Of course, this drunk is now free and wealthy

We're doing what the Nazi's did... and they didn't win

He is one of those sickos :(

Hey are those bike shorts he's wearing? Ewee!

And of course the Repugs block an investigation...

when he has known about it for some time..

"The resignation rocked the Capitol, and especially Foley’s GOP colleagues, as lawmakers were rushing to adjourn for at least six weeks. House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) told The Washington Post last night that he had learned this spring of some "contact" between Foley and a 16-year-old page. Boehner said he told House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.), and that Hastert assured him "we’re taking care of it."

"It was not immediately clear what actions Hastert took. His spokesman had said earlier that the speaker did not know of the sexually charged e-mails between Foley and the boy."

Washington Post Article

Friday, September 29, 2006

"I made the name up" ... He made up a racial slur used in a country where his mother grew up... hmmm...

"At the table in Palos Verdes, Calif., Allen's mother, who is 83, said she told her son the truth: That she had been raised as a Jew in Tunisia before moving to the United States. She said that she and the senator's father, famed former Redskins coach George Allen, had wanted to protect their children from living with the fear that she had experienced during World War II. Her father, Felix Lumbroso, was imprisoned by the Nazis during the German occupation of Tunis."

Washington Post Article

"Macaca" is considered a racial slur in francophone African nations, which led to speculation that Allen may have heard the epithet from his mother, a Francophone who grew up in French-colonial Tunisia."

Read the Wikipedia entry for somemore fun facts :)

Bush is naive!

Seems Shep is having another moment of clarity.. someone needs to give him more Koolaid!

Why would people vote for these crooks?

Thursday, September 28, 2006


Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Incestuous Amplification... and no one is holding them Accountable!

What were they doing? Nothing!

Depends on how you spin it...

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

We all need a little culture

Monday, September 25, 2006

Just in case you missed it..

Speaking truth to power :)

Matt.. sure you want to go in the water?

Sunday, September 24, 2006

The Lord would not approve...

Well, I'm glad Akaka won :D not Mazie tho! AND I DO NOT SUPPORT THE 'MACHINE'!!

after 14 hours at the poll, I'm still tired but glad Case didn't win because of his support for the Iraq war and the fact he did not raise ethics violation charges against Tom Delay.. it could of given him the support he needed.. but he either wasn't brave enough to do it or didn't find Delay's behavior unethical.. either way, not good :(

Hawaiian punch

A moderate Democrat is trying to unseat one of the islands' iconic senators by calling him a far-left liberal. Sound familiar?

By Neal Milner and Alex Koppelman

On a recent warm Sunday afternoon, Rep. Ed Case, a Hawaii Democrat, and an audience of about three dozen had gathered in the living room of a private home in a Republican area of east Honolulu for what Hawaiians call a "talk story" -- an informal conversation. The two-term congressman was explaining to the mostly Filipino crowd why he had chosen to take on 82-year-old incumbent Sen. Daniel Akaka in the Democratic primary.

"I'm a moderate," Case, in a lei and aloha shirt, told the assembled. "That's where most people in Hawaii are today. That's where most people in the country are today." And though he stressed that he has "no problem being a Democrat," Case called his opponent a "far-left liberal" and said his natural friends in Congress are "15 or so moderates," including, he added without prompting, Joe Lieberman....

...But the race is oddly similar to a much more prominent primary battle that took place on the mainland, 6,000 miles east of Honolulu and seven weeks ago, in another deep blue state, and involved the senator that Case referenced as a natural ally. Case vs. Akaka is a mirror image of Lamont vs. Lieberman, except that in the Connecticut race the challenger was a liberal, and the challenger and his supporters were harshly criticized for taking on an incumbent -- even accused of trying to "purge" the Democratic Party.

"The comparison between Connecticut and Hawaii is overblown, in my estimation," Case said in a recent interview, as he traversed Oahu in a campaign bus. But that doesn't stop him from claiming that he and the moderate Connecticutt senator are in the same boat. "I certainly am facing the same thing that Lieberman did ... There's definitely a faction within the party that wants to purge me right out of the Democratic Party, because I'm not ideologically pure from their perspective, just as was happening with moderate Democrats and, for that matter, moderate Republicans throughout the country."...

...In this race, unlike Connecticut, the incumbent is against the war, and he is as ready as Ned Lamont to talk about it. He has put Case on the defensive.

"Senator Akaka wanted to run exclusively on the war, and made the war a central issue of the campaign," Case says. "I believe the war's an important issue. It has to be an issue in any congressional campaign; it cannot not be an issue. But Senator Akaka apparently believes that that was a way to make sure that Democrats didn't support my argument that we needed to move to the next generation in the Senate, that Hawaii faced great danger with two 82-year-old senators. He just essentially was trying to draw a distinction between the two of us and ride that as hard as he could."

Though the state does appear to be moving to the center, having elected a Republican governor in 2002 who is all but unopposed this year, Hawaii politics have long been dominated by the liberal wing of the Democratic Party, and the state generally opposes the war. That opposition has galvanized what most observers agree is a unique coalition behind Akaka
SEE DAD, I'm not the only one!!!

Read the Salon article here

Friday, September 22, 2006

Val, get ready, Meal's coming :)

It's the weekend, time to Party :)

Matt, more TDS for you :)

Can you believe 49% of people polled on want him for President (of celebrities, Oprah only got 8%)

These guys should take it on the road...

Thursday, September 21, 2006

I guess the Devil likes it hot....

Don't get speeches everyday like that at the UN, with Chaves calling Bush the Devil.. the length of applause at the end was stunning, not to mention he brought Chomsky to the best seller list.. maybe people will read it :)

What global warming?

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Be careful in the wild!

They said goodbye to Steve Erwin today..

Diving With Whales - video powered by Metacafe

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

OK Val, you wanted a homemade video.. here it is :)

I put together some pics of kayaking to the Mokes with Meal, not to mention a few sailing pics with Howard (I should of had him take a pic with me at the helm!)

Sunday, September 17, 2006

I better be a good poll watcher :)

How can you adjust to waterboarding?

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Up and away...

Bush is an idiot!

It's not how he says it, it's when, why and how he acts! But watch the spinsters try to change your perception of reality.. if the cameras weren't there he wouldn't look so bad.. yeah, and the Iraq war is still a mismanaged BAD idea not to mention all his other bad decisions :(

Friday, September 15, 2006

"I must say, having gone through those gyrations, you're looking beautiful today, Dave."

So Bush wants to write his own interpretation of the Geneva Conventions. I don't think that the CIA interrogators are not going to torture the "high value" secret prisoners because of the Geneva Conventions. They haven't prosecuted any of them yet and they can just "render" the prisoner to another country to be waterboarded.

How can the voters think he hasn't done anything? Speaking out is SOMETHING!

Even Ed Case thinks so ;)

Are the Democrats getting some courage?

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Val, You gotta be fearless :)

Hey here's a theme song for you ;D

Click here for song

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Why did they attack us?

Val, I hope the wireless setup was simple :)

I want this :)

or you could see how it's done on the mountain :D

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Finally, someone speaks out!

Matt, here's more TDS :D

and the Colbert Report :)

Why are we in Iraq again?

Monday, September 11, 2006

I can't believe they used one tragedy to create another :(

Thanks for letting me steer Howard :)

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Are we safer?

It's been 5 years since 9/11...

Friday, September 08, 2006

Don't remember this one either :(

I forgot how it ended :(

Now this is cool fabric!

Thursday, September 07, 2006

We won sailing :)

It was a close finish, but Charlie prevailed!!! :D

Why stay the course.. if we're losing!

W stands for... Whatever!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

I can't believe she won the primary.. is this the best repugs can do!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

So much for the war on terror...

So this is how he got elected!

Matt, here's your dose of TDS :)

Just when you thought you were getting old...

Monday, September 04, 2006

It should be a good return from Lahaina :)

At least she has a good sense of humor :)

in case you missed it...

Barbara.. Burning Man is over.. you should've gone :)

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Belly dancing.. all night long :D

Well, the Japanese are even into it :)