Monday, March 30, 2009

Another Politician's child caught doing drugs...

Maybe it's the stressful lifestyle or the lack of parental guidance .. who knows.. Biden shouldn't be played by Hitler but it is kinda funny

Sunday, March 29, 2009

What did you do for Earth Hour :)

Another fun thing to do on the Big Island :)

Stephen, hope your spring break on the BI was fun and you got to see the lava :) If the weather was too rainy you could always go underground into Kazamura's lava tube!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Val, hope it's not too crazy at work

Here's a funny cat video to distract you ;)

Flooding in Fargo

Dad, here's your daily Sylvia ;)

How bats land :)

You think they would've discovered this before now :D

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I'm going to sleep good tonight ;)

Not a big fan of this song but I like the video in a unique type of video way :) Val, I hope you can sleep well too.. we need to get rid of those bags under our eyes 8D

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Val, here's a car for you ;)

Good thing you speak French! It's a car from your favorite store, IKEA, that will debut on April 1, no joke, I hope :D

Barry.. don't fall in the canal on the SUP ;)

In addition to all the cars and bikes that fall into the canals every year, there is also a lot of sh*t :) I'm not sure the flushing is too good for the surrounding lakes area :(

I did notice many Afgans in my neighborhood in Utrecht.. nice to know some people were able to escape the Taliban...

Sunday, March 22, 2009

It's all in the genes...

In case you every wondered about regulating genes :)

Val.. not that you'd look at my blog ;)

Here's that video you were talking about with the morphing faces :D

and things you might hate about facebook :)

Friday, March 20, 2009

Happy Spring Equinox (and Spring Break!)

There was the typical celebration at Stonehenge.. this guy think he knows how it was done... I wonder if he visited the Coral Castle ;)

Can you stand an egg on end?

Hope you had a good flight Jackson.. good luck on the east coast picking a school!

When the pressure gets too great...

TGIF :) Here's an undersea volcano erupting off Tonga

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Cramer now tries to blame shift

Obviously he takes no responsibility.. after the tape showing him doing unethical things to the market and having a show called "Fast Money".. he blames the regulators that we all know during the Bush Administration were non-existent :(

Samantha Bee from The Daily Show exposes more illegal bad behavior as the money honey bee :)

The Daily Show With Jon StewartM - Th 11p / 10c
The Money Honey Bee
Daily Show Full EpisodesImportant Things w/ Demetri MartinPolitical Humor

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Tucker dares to go after John Stewart

Tucker Carlson: "It's all the same. I mean, to call me a partisan hack is ludicrous. I am the least partisan person I know." Oh please! I guess you don't get outside your bubble much! That guy shouldn't be on the TV.. when are they going to finally can him!

This kid has plans...

I'm not sure Jan and Umida are ready for a boy ;)

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day

I guess I'll wear green and drink some Guinness :D

This girl gives the history of the potato.. doesn't go into why the Dutch eat it with mayo ;)

Monday, March 16, 2009

Another good TED talk :)

Although long, it's pretty interesting.. this one is on the economy (doom and gloom) and the future of biotech and robots

In case you want more.. this one's on energy from 2 yrs ago

What a weekend :) Not ready for Monday :(

As usual, it went by too quickly.. at least iy wasn't as bad as this guy getting his hair caught in the bass while headbanging.. ouch!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Religion as the cause of war

If you had the power..

This guy builds a world for his love .. cool graphics

or you can destroy the world with nanotechnology :(

Saturday, March 14, 2009

SNL makes fun of Hawaii tourists :)

Rock does a pretty good hula.. our Lt Gov got pretty mad at this skit :(

Now that the shit has hit the fan..

Bernie Madoff stole billions

and we trust these guys to fix the economy :(

The Office as an Opera

This is only funny if you're a fan on Ricky Gervais and the British Office

Thursday, March 12, 2009

John Stewart calls them out again!

A comedian who uses his show to keep the commentators on task

Cramer told Martha he was not going to be a doormat.. we'll see

The Daily Show puts the roast in three parts.. watch Cramer squirm

If you want to see Jim Cramer's confession of bad behavior :(

John Stewart on the famous 2004 Crossfire episode.. trying to stimulate the fourth estate

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Val.. slow down on the social networking ;)

Is a PC really cheaper than a Mac? Not always...

Sunday, March 08, 2009

What if God didn't exist?

There'd be a lot less fighting over who said who could have what land..

Is being gay genetic?

I'm so tired of the argument that if it was in the genes then it would be bred out.. oh yeah, along with CF and other diseases that tend to kill the young before they reproduce.. people should educate themselves and live and let live :)

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Bill Maher tells it like it is...

Although I never heard that they were passing out fish for abandoned swimming pools

There's more.. leave it to Peter Singer to put it in perspective

blah blah blah.. they even bring up Rush :(

The Republicans might lose their leader :(

No worries.. it's not the real leader.. that's Rush and he's not going anywhere :(

Ron Paul should be their leader.. calling out the crooks

Friday, March 06, 2009

Sometimes you need to take a chance ;)

This guy left everything for an internet romance.. of course he needs a drink :P

Seems social networking is on the rise.. but at what cost? Val, stay off the MySpace :)

At least PC sales are down and linux is increasing :D

California is not doing so well :(

I guess the budget crises is hitting the State hard :(

They don't like Arnold :(


The plane crash at Schiphol really went down hard :( It's amazing so many survived!

Wednesday, March 04, 2009

U2 are still going :)

They made fun of themselves on Letterman ;) Gotta love that...

Hey Stephen.. Bono's had a cowboy hat since you were 2 yrs old.. He likes Holland and the Dutch liked him :D They sound like they are at a football game!

They are even singing along to one of my favorite songs <:)

Another One of my faves.. I couldn't resist! I love the lyrics and sensitive musicians ;)

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Happy Girl's Day :)

So here's what they do it Japan for the Hinamatsuri festival.. get dolls, dolls take your bad luck, send dolls out to sea..

What they don't mention is dolls and boat get stuck in fish nets so they go collect them and bring them back to the beach and burn them :( I'm glad we just get mochi :P

Here's the next generation playing the song on a electric guitar...

Sonic Boom!

I've heard plenty of them.. but I've too busy covering my ears to look at the vapor cone.. it occurs at lower speed, contrary to what's said in the video :(

It's all cool, till somebody explodes :(

Spinal Tap is back!

They're going on a 30 city tour.. doubt they'll come this way :(

Who can forget classics like bitch school ;)

Monday, March 02, 2009

Welcome Back Dad :)

In case you missed the news on the flight home.. you didn't miss much!

Sunday, March 01, 2009

The Blackberry takes a shot at the Apple.. Ha!

But can the crackberry do this :D You won't forget to feed the dog..

At least Lucy didn't hit the wall while sleeping.. she was having weird dreams!