Monday, July 31, 2006

Well, it's not high def, but it's cool looking :)

Where is the love?

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Not a good day to be at a refugee camp in Lebanon.. When will the killing stop :(

"This moment of conflict in the Middle East is painful and tragic," Bush said in his radio address Saturday. "Yet it is also a moment of opportunity for broader change in the region. Transforming countries that have suffered decades of tyranny and violence is difficult, and it will take time to achieve. But the consequences will be profound for our country and the world."

Richard N. Haass, the former Bush aide who leads the Council on Foreign Relations, laughed at the president's public optimism. "An opportunity?" Haass said with an incredulous tone. "Lord, spare me. I don't laugh a lot. That's the funniest thing I've heard in a long time. If this is an opportunity, what's Iraq? A once-in-a-lifetime chance?"

"The arrows are all pointing in the wrong direction," said Haass, who was President Bush's first-term State Department policy planning director. "The biggest danger in the short run is it just increases frustration and alienation from the United States in the Arab world. Not just the Arab world, but in Europe and around the world. People will get a daily drumbeat of suffering in Lebanon and this will just drive up anti-Americanism to new heights."

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Letterman lets her have it :)

Everyone needs to get politically active!

They're all guilty!

17 years later, the beaches still have oil... some cleanup Exxon!

Friday, July 28, 2006

Toast the Earth!

Could this be the future?

I'll train Byron to do this...

I should get Princess to do this :)

What's odd is that this looks like it was filmed on Kahala Beach and the posters name is dnichols.. hmmm and the guy has a southern accent.. coincidence? I think he's on "vacation"...

oh god.. there's more...

OK.. this is getting weird!

and he drinks too much beer!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

The MSM is THE problem of why people are uninformed

Monday, July 24, 2006

Dad, Here's a car for you :)

Here's the site

Friday, July 21, 2006

"I was a Republican - until they lost their minds"

July 20, 2006 -- The reverb is still echoing over Dan Quayle's walkout in the middle of a John Mellencamp concert in Lake Tahoe last weekend. The singer-songwriter introduced his tune "Wall Talk" by announcing, "This next one is for all the poor people who've been ignored by the current administration." As Quayle exited, the former veep explained, "I didn't appreciate the comment, and besides, I didn't think the show was very good." But Mellencamp said he couldn't care less that Quayle got his knickers in a twist: "I certainly wouldn't have changed a word." NBA Hall of Famer Charles Barkley backed Mellencamp, saying, "He's right." While that may sound odd coming from a former conservative, Barkley told a local reporter, "I was a Republican - until they lost their minds."

Bush is Dumb,0,2271073.column

Is Bush Still Too Dumb to Be President?
You can't run a country on horse sense.
Jonathan Chait

July 16, 2006

WAY BACK when he first appeared on the national scene, the rap against George W. Bush was that he might be too dumb to be president. As time passed, questions about Bush's mental capabilities faded away.

After 9/11, his instinctive rather than analytical view of the world seemed to be just what we needed, and Americans of all stripes were desperate to see heroic qualities in him. (As Dan Rather announced at the time: "George Bush is the president; he makes the decisions; and, you know, as just one American, wherever he wants me to line up, just tell me where.")

On top of that, Democrats decided it was politically counterproductive to attack Bush's intelligence. Bruce Reed of the Democratic Leadership Council said in 2002, for instance, that calling Bush dumb "plays directly into Bush's strength, which is that he comes across as a regular guy." And so, for most of the last six years, the question of Bush's intelligence has remained off the table.

Oh, sure, a few of us have brought it up from time to time, but we have generally been dismissed out of hand as wacky Bush-haters. By 2004, the question had been turned around completely. Democrats had almost nothing to say about Bush's lack of intellect, while Republicans joyfully and repeatedly attacked John Kerry as an egghead. Anti-intellectualism was triumphant.

Yet it is now increasingly clear that Bush's status as non-rocket scientist is a serious problem. The problem is not his habit — savored by late-night comedians — of stumbling over multisyllabic words. It is his shocking lack of intellectual curiosity.

Ron Suskind's new book, "The One Percent Doctrine," paints a harrowing picture of Bush's intellectual limits. Bush, writes Suskind, "is not much of a reader." He prefers verbal briefings and often makes a horse-sense judgment based on how confident his briefer seems in what he's saying. In August 2001, the CIA was in a panic about an upcoming terrorist attack and drafted a report with the title, "Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S." When a CIA staffer summed up the memo's contents in a face-to-face meeting with Bush, the president found the briefer insufficiently confident and dismissed him by saying, "All right, you've covered your ass, now," according to Suskind. That turned out to be a fairly disastrous judgment.

Bush loyalists like to dismiss Suskind's reporting, but it jibes with the picture that has emerged from other sources. L. Paul Bremer III's account of his tenure as head of Iraq's Coalition Provisional Authority depicts Bush as uninterested in the central questions of rebuilding and occupying the country.

Video of a presidential meeting that came to light this year showed Bush being briefed on the incipient Hurricane Katrina. His subordinates come off as deeply concerned about a potential catastrophe, but Bush appears blase, declining to ask a single question. And of course there was the famous 2001 incident in which Russian President Vladimir Putin conveyed to Bush a story of being given a cross by his mother. Bush invested deep significance in the story. "I found him to be very straightforward and trustworthy," he told reporters. "I was able to get a sense of his soul."

Bush's supporters have insisted for the last six years that liberal derision of the president's intelligence amounts to nothing more than cultural snobbery. We don't like his pickup truck and his accent, the accusation goes, so we hide our blue-state prejudices behind a mask of intellectual condescension.

But the more we learn about how Bush operates, the more we can see we were right from the beginning. It matters that the president values his gut reaction and disdains book learnin'. It's not just a question of cultural style. The president's narrow intellectual horizons have real consequences, sometimes cataclysmic ones.

It's true that presidents can succeed without being intellectuals themselves. The trouble is that Bush isn't just a nonintellectual, he viscerally disdains intellectuals. "What angered me was the way such people at Yale felt so intellectually superior and so righteous," he told a Texas Monthly reporter in 1994.

When I went to college at Michigan, I occasionally played pickup basketball with varsity football players. They obviously felt athletically superior to me. I didn't resent them for it — because they were.

Well, the War goes on...

Here's a funny song...
Stop This Shit

and this is what our President found important enough to veto...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Matt, get the kids ready! I'm coming to visit :)

Hope you're ready for me :D

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Unbelievable Snow Job..

Well, looks like the Christians favor this war...

"Christian Coalition of America commends President George W. Bush for his unfailing and courageous support for the State of Israel in its latest war against the Israel-hating terrorist movement, specifically this time against Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists. .... If American fighter power is necessary to help Israel eliminate the Hezbollah threat in southern Lebanon, so be it."

But according to Tony, it's not a war

well, it's not like he hasn't lied before...

Leave it to the Daily Show again...

I love the look on her face :)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

I didn't know ninjas could defy the laws of physics

do you wanna be one? There are ninternships :D

Monday, July 17, 2006

As I was saying...

Bush "sort of rolled his eyes and laughed" when told the comments had been audible and a copy had been made, said Press Secretary Tony Snow. "Actually his reaction first was, 'What did it say?' So we showed him the transcript, then he rolled his eyes and laughed."

and of course, a version from 'The Daily Show'

Friday, July 14, 2006

Our President is a pig!

So now Novak speaks...

He's still not in jail, nor are the other guilty leakers... so much for national security!

Not sure I want to go in the water...

Great White Sharks sure are big!

Especially in California!

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Fox gives out too much information, and get shot at by Israel.. and it wasn't even Geraldo!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

A new way to solve problems :)

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Happy Birthday Mom!

Monday, July 10, 2006

Hey Matt, here's more :) and what does Devin want for his birthday?

What do ninjas eat?

Ninja podcasting

Sunday, July 09, 2006

It's going to be windy for sailing today :(

Friday, July 07, 2006

I wanna see this movie...

It's as easy as apple pie :)

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Matt, are you a Ninja?

He kinda looks like you in the eyes, but the voice is all wrong :)

I'm glad I'm not getting on a plane :)

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Emily's leaving on a jet plane...

you need to come back and visit :)

Goodbye Ken Lay!

well.. he did have friends in high places...

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Keep Lilly away from fireworks :)

Is this what the Space Shuttle uses?

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Even Japanese cats are crazy :)