Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Val, go to the new Apple Store on your day off :)

could this be the new iPod?

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Matt, if work gets boring.. do this!

Ok, why did he say that?

How does that go? "Give us your..."

we should worry about Canadians ;)

Who knew fish played soccer!

This is better than synchronized swimming golfish from a previous post... what are the Japanese feeding them!

Monday, May 29, 2006

It would be nice to have a cat on board!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Hopefully we won't wipe out today!

Saturday, May 27, 2006

It's good to exercise :)

but I donʻt think Iʻll lift weights :(

Well, off to go around the island :)

Maybe I'll let Bambu sleep with Byron :)

Friday, May 26, 2006

What a faker!

Here's a video from Olbermann

Here's what he's said...

Here's Asimo... but can he/she really do what you think :)

Here's the ad...

This video explains what he/she does...

And this is him/her in action...

I'm glad the fish is fake :)

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Get all the crooks in Congress!

And the guy who called foul...

Dad, you can work on Pearl tomorrow :)

This must drive the cat crazy!!

They fixed the intel and then lied :(

So he says today he regrets saying "bring it on" to the war in Iraq.. how about the lying that got us there! Jerks!

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Be careful what you eat for lunch :)

Wonder what he really thinks :(

Seems like the repugs want to stay clear of him :)

Here's more

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Cats are funny :)

and there's more!

Friday, May 19, 2006

Val and Matt, I hope this makes you quit smoking... look what it's done to the dogs!!

Wow.. I wish Hapa had this stereo :)

Maybe Lillie is narcoleptic :)

Val, go see The DaVinci Code and tell me what all the fuss is about :)

Hereʻs the doggie clip you sent :)

Another Transformer... more than meets the eye...

Thursday, May 18, 2006

I hope they don't confirm him! He doesn't even know the law!

I'm not sure I could get use to a monitor like this...

As the manufacturer describes it "Heliodisplay images are not holographic although they are free-space, employing a rear projection system in which images are captured onto a nearly invisible plane of transformed air."

If you're Pro-life, you should be Pro-ALL-life

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

So it was the CIA having the big party.. good cover! I never whudda guessed ;)

Here's the Story

Here's more

I wonder who else was there... seems like a big place for just a few guys... I wonder if it had anything to do with the craigslist ad I saw wanted women in bikinis to host a "private party" on the windward side :D

I totally miss this show :(

So cute!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

They Spy, and They Lie :(

Monday, May 15, 2006

What if Bush wasn't selected...

if you think he was elected, consider this...
Voting facts

here's the trailer from the movie...

Forget killing them! Let 'em drive!

I can't believe they had a contest for this :(

These guys should win something :)

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day Mom!

Happy made-up holiday :) Here's a pretty shocking ad to sell cigarettes.. who says they don't target kids!

Poor pigs :(

Saturday, May 13, 2006

Nothin like a good bot fight :)

Friday, May 12, 2006

We need more gas stores owners like this!

She'll need more than that to win.. I hope :)

Thursday, May 11, 2006

This is how they plan to handle a pandemic :(

Here's a little info on the problem

Someone is finally asking the right questions!

I love the calls to C-SPAN!!!

Of course the caller is wacky repuglican :) Who else who fear a robot takeover!

Ok, Dad... I'll be home soon :)

This would have been nice for grandma.. except he might have dropped her :(

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

This one seems better for the movies than real life

This one looks like he's on rollerblades

and if you want to see it on the road...

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

How the U.S. manipulates the world...

Leave it to the Daily Show to remind us...

Here's a clip from wayback...

Daily Show's Wayback Machine

Monday, May 08, 2006

She should meet Einstein...

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Crazy cats :)

WOW! I gotta teach Boomer to do this :)

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Leave it to the Daily Show to cover the news...

and make fun of the President :)

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Who are the real illegal immigrants?

Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Seems like back in 1919 they had version of the national anthem in spanish... I guess the smoke blowers don't know history :(

La bandera de las estrellas / John Stafford Smith [sheet music]

Amanece: ¿no veis, a la luz de aurora,
Lo que tanto aclamamos la noche al caer?
Sus estrellas, sus barras flotaban ayer
En el fiero combate en senal de victoria.
Fulgor de cohetes, de bombas es truendo,
Por la noche decian: "¡Se va defendiendo!"
¡Oh, decid! ¿Despliega aun su hermosura estrellada,
Sobre tierra de libres, la bandera sagrada?

En la costa lejana que apenas blanquea,
Donde yace nublada la hueste feroz,
Sobre aquel precipicio que elevase atroz,
¡Oh decidme! ¿que es eso quen la brisa ondea?
Se oculta y flamea, en el alba luciendo,
Reflejada en la mar, donde va resplandeciendo.
¡Aun alli desplego su hermosura estrellada,
Sobre tierra de libres, la bandera sagrada!

¡Oh asi sea siempre, en lealtad defendamos
Nuestra tierra natal contra el torpe invasor!
A Dios quien nos dio paz, la libertad, y honor,
Nos mantuvo nacion, con fervor bendigamos.
Nuestra causa es el bien, y por eso triumfamos,
Siempre fue nuestro lema: "¡En Dios confiamos!"
!Y desplegara asi su hermosura estrellada,
Sobre tierra de libres, la bandera sagrada!

here's the link:

Monday, May 01, 2006

Steven Colbert roast's Bush

They should've know better! Here's how he covered it last year...