Monday, September 29, 2008

The Daily Show does it again :)

Making fun of seniors isnʻt usually funny until it affects our future :(

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Well I did it :D

That was a beautiful ride on a beautiful day :) Sort of like the Honolulu Marathon on bikes.. which makes the Japanese tourists and the Team in Training a little less annoying :)

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Even Heavy-Metal Fans Complain That Today's Music Is Too Loud!!!

Not an article I expected to see.. especially in the Wall Street Journal :)

Actually.. Iʻm not sure what they are talking about since I could hear it fine :D

The song with the metal dog.. not so much!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Is this what living in Amsterdam wouldʻve been like?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

This never happened when I was in Utrecht!

Well, Iʻve been back a month and sometimes it seems longer and also like I never left.. especially after watching youtube :) Stephen even says he wants to go back!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

One week to go :)

The Century Ride is coming up quick.. I did 50 miles yesterday from Waikiki to Lanikai with one Costco/ CT&B break each way with no problems :) The real trick will be to do the entire thing in 10 hours without spending too much time at the rest stops.. better not talk to people :)

But hey, I Dutched my bike.. put on some fenders and a rack.. and of course, a bell :D

So I missed (?) the naked bike ride in Utrecht this summer to protest fuel use.. I guess itʻs an annual global event :)

I never even heard about this protest ride gone bad the year before :(

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tina Fey does a pretty good Sarah Palin :)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I did drink a lot of beer :D

"Good old-fashioned entertainment is the preference in Utrecht. No, we're not talking opera, ballet or theatre here. Not even a meal washed down by a delightfully delicate wine. It's beer, beer and the same again, please for 54 percent of those questioned. Utrecht's reputation for beer-swilling has already caused concern at the RIVM, the Dutch public health watchdog. Students drink more than the average night-on-the-town goer and male students drink more than female students. With all that hard studying and beer-guzzling, it's no wonder that Utrecht clubbers are too breathless for love...."

This is according to a survey conducted by Stadsmagazine MijnNL (a kind of national What's On) among 1,500 readers aged 19 to 40.. Itʻs a good thing I didnʻt live in Amsterdam according to what happens there!

Read the article here

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Iʻm not sure if a black hole was created...

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Talk about reinacting old battles in Europe

After watching this, I want to go to Greece during Easter

Barack even danced at the Republican convention

No wonder they were so energized.. it wasnʻt the Pentacostal creationist afterall :)

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Got my driving permit today

Due to a major DMV screwup.. I donʻt have a driverʻs license :( Iʻve been driving the last six years on a invalid Hawaii license due to my purse getting stolen in Florida and getting a Florida drivers license so I could get on a plane :) So I need to start over and take the written and the Driving test.. which would be funny if I failed after 20 years of driving (i did pick up some bad habits from the Dutch :) Good thing it doesnʻt cost thousands of Euros to get a license like in the Netherlands.. I think itʻs worth the airfare to come here to get a license :D

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Gotta go support the Warriors :(

Can't believe I'm going to be in the Press Box.. need to get Charlie in since he's the UH football fan.. I just hope there is free beer :D

Update: Wow.. free beer, free food, VIP parking and we got to go down on the field during the game.. Charlie had a great time :) I hope I don't have to go to any more games this season, but if I do, this is the way to do it! Party!!

Who knew the muppets were into Metal :)

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Glad I donʻt work in an office :)

As busy as today was, I just have to think of the movie Office Space...