Happy Halloween :D
Hard to believe that other countries don't celebrate this holiday :(
This is bad when the kids see this :(
"In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit." -Albert Schweitzer
Hard to believe that other countries don't celebrate this holiday :(
Obama did his infomercial to reach out to those who might be thinking more of the same might be a good thing :( We'll know in a week if change is going to happen and if I should move back to the Netherlands :D
I figure there's only another week or so of political posts since the fever will die down after someone wins and gets to work.. then I can stop posting political stuff that is usually depressing :( Although this one is pretty creative which make the whole politics thing entertaining at times :)
Don't let this happen! Don't forget to vote!
Here's the PC guy story telling of his past and being in love
Chomsky puts in his support.. not much of a surprise...
If itʻs going to be the tech fabric of the future, they should think of a better name :)
I guess theyʻre showing age is just a number :) I like any anti-war songs.. this one reminds me a little of dirty deeds
Hopefully sheʻll pull through.. but it must not be good if heʻs taking time off from the campaign :(
The USGS estimates that several million earthquakes occur in the world each year. Many go undetected because they hit remote areas or have very small magnitudes. The NEIC now locates about 50 earthquakes each day, or about 20,000 a year.
Kinda reminds me of that crazy book in the breakroom where I was suppose to see dolphins :D
Anything to make people aware that microbes can kill you :( Working with sewage today, so you know itʻs gonna be bad :P
Not sure a day of awareness is going to do it.. since there are millions of them just waiting to get in!
Even kids are getting involved.. letʻs hope tonights debate is civil :)
he said this 2 years ago...
Not sure if Iʻll work at the polls this year.. just hope people vote :)
I really hope someone from Holland gets on one to come visit!