Another Politician's child caught doing drugs...
Maybe it's the stressful lifestyle or the lack of parental guidance .. who knows.. Biden shouldn't be played by Hitler but it is kinda funny
"In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit." -Albert Schweitzer
Maybe it's the stressful lifestyle or the lack of parental guidance .. who knows.. Biden shouldn't be played by Hitler but it is kinda funny
Stephen, hope your spring break on the BI was fun and you got to see the lava :) If the weather was too rainy you could always go underground into Kazamura's lava tube!
Not a big fan of this song but I like the video in a unique type of video way :) Val, I hope you can sleep well too.. we need to get rid of those bags under our eyes 8D
Good thing you speak French! It's a car from your favorite store, IKEA, that will debut on April 1, no joke, I hope :D
In addition to all the cars and bikes that fall into the canals every year, there is also a lot of sh*t :) I'm not sure the flushing is too good for the surrounding lakes area :(
Here's that video you were talking about with the morphing faces :D
There was the typical celebration at Stonehenge.. this guy think he knows how it was done... I wonder if he visited the Coral Castle ;)
Obviously he takes no responsibility.. after the tape showing him doing unethical things to the market and having a show called "Fast Money".. he blames the regulators that we all know during the Bush Administration were non-existent :(
The Daily Show With Jon Stewart | M - Th 11p / 10c | |||
The Money Honey Bee | ||||
Tucker Carlson: "It's all the same. I mean, to call me a partisan hack is ludicrous. I am the least partisan person I know." Oh please! I guess you don't get outside your bubble much! That guy shouldn't be on the TV.. when are they going to finally can him!
I guess I'll wear green and drink some Guinness :D
Although long, it's pretty interesting.. this one is on the economy (doom and gloom) and the future of biotech and robots
As usual, it went by too quickly.. at least iy wasn't as bad as this guy getting his hair caught in the bass while headbanging.. ouch!
This guy builds a world for his love .. cool graphics
Rock does a pretty good hula.. our Lt Gov got pretty mad at this skit :(
Bernie Madoff stole billions
A comedian who uses his show to keep the commentators on task
I'm so tired of the argument that if it was in the genes then it would be bred out.. oh yeah, along with CF and other diseases that tend to kill the young before they reproduce.. people should educate themselves and live and let live :)
Although I never heard that they were passing out fish for abandoned swimming pools
No worries.. it's not the real leader.. that's Rush and he's not going anywhere :(
This guy left everything for an internet romance.. of course he needs a drink :P
I guess the budget crises is hitting the State hard :(
They made fun of themselves on Letterman ;) Gotta love that...
So here's what they do it Japan for the Hinamatsuri festival.. get dolls, dolls take your bad luck, send dolls out to sea..
I've heard plenty of them.. but I've too busy covering my ears to look at the vapor cone.. it occurs at lower speed, contrary to what's said in the video :(
They're going on a 30 city tour.. doubt they'll come this way :(