Goodbye 2009!
"In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit." -Albert Schweitzer
I thought I was the only one who used bubble wrap to stay warm! Hey, spending hours in POST can get cold! And yes, I have the Bubble Wrap App ;)
Got an A in Virology!!! Whoo Hooo!!! I always worry how much information I can retain and later use in this aging brain of mine (not to mention the damage I inflict to it!)
Don't worry, Dad, NOTHING HAPPENED to Hapa or the Saturn!
I'm not a fan of home shopping, but this caught my attention.. I want to get it for everyone I know (well, everyone that fixes stuff!) especially you, Dad!
Another day to celebrate the Sun! I'm lucky to live in a place where I can watch both the sunrise and sunset over water everyday (when it's not cloudy), I almost forget how beautiful the light of the sun makes things during the day! I'm glad the days will be getting longer :)
Not my best time :( But considering no training and a concussion, and no pain other than a few minor blisters.. I did pretty well :)
So what does one do when required to spend time with someone who knows no English and you know no Uzbeki and very little Russian? You find a funny Uzbekistan movie with no subtitles and have a great night! Gotta love foreign films and YouTube!
So I'm pretty sure the last month involved a weekend in Maui, the next weekend on the Big Island (diving with Mantas, hot ponds and a boat to the lava), a week or so in Colorado that involved skiing and a bump to the head.. should of worn a helmet :(