Monday, November 29, 2010

A hacked kinect can do so much more than play videogames :)

Who needs to do this when I have Byron ;)

You can train it to recognize objects :)

and measure things in 3D

oh, and there's more!

I hope it doesn't grow into this :(

We saw tiny versions of these blue button jellyfish in Lanikai yesterday that I never saw before :(

Monday, November 15, 2010

Kinect is pretty cool!

This is much cooler than the Wii ;)

I can't wait till Project Draco comes out.. I don't like video games but I want to play this one :)

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

I should of started a pillow fight on the flight back ;)

Here's a pillow fight on a Lufthansa flight :)

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Having fun in Atlanta :)

I need to take a break from the conference to sight see ;)

I plan to go to most of the talks on Dengue, the virus that recently killed Hawaii surfer Andy Irons :(