At least some Universities are protesting!
Where have the students been these past few years? People should of been paying attention and maybe lives would have been saved :(
"In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit." -Albert Schweitzer
Where have the students been these past few years? People should of been paying attention and maybe lives would have been saved :(
I'm not sure why Inouye is supporting Hillary insteadof the local boy.. maybe he thinks she has a better chance :(
So are most of the GOP that repeat the "talking points".. that whole you need to repeat it enough until people think it's true..
Another "family values" GOP talking head's family gone bad...
President Bush has ordered up a plan for responding to a catastrophic attack.
So Bush is defending his goons going to the bed of the AG in the middle of the night when he was doped up, trying to get him to sign something but saying they were "just seeing how he was doing"
According to the World Bank report issued this week, Wolfowitz muttered a malediction to the head of the bank's human resources department: "If they fuck with me or Shaha, I have enough on them to fuck them too."
That is, before the talking points became calling him "the nutty professor"
Even though it seemed that way for years, I guess because we were not at war. I guess mom's got tired of losing sons (and now daughters) in unnecessary wars and wanted peace :) Who knew!
For all the media coverage, no one seem to mention that anyone that would get Circuit City to copy a tape, cannot be too bright :( I'm pretty sure their "plan" wouldn't have gotten too far.. they would of forgot to bring pizzas!
Michael Crichton is an AUTHOR of fictional stories on disasters and epidemics, so of course he thinks scientists are out to sell fear, because he does. The fact that he thinks people believe in Climate Change because fear sells and not because they are observing real changes.. melting glaciers, rising temperatures, oh no, not real.. you only are seeing what the scientists say is happening.. don't believe your eyes, it's not happening, they are only trying to get grants...
**WARNING** Not for the squeemish! This video is very disturbing yet fascinating at the same time :) Who knows why the elephant is doing this, but the repugs have been having to do it a lot lately (that is, eat the * their fellow repugs)