Tuesday, May 29, 2007

At least some Universities are protesting!

Where have the students been these past few years? People should of been paying attention and maybe lives would have been saved :(

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Let's remember all who have suffered :( including the victims of war!

In peace, sons bury their fathers; in war, fathers bury their sons.


Let's hope this is the last memorial day we are at war :(

Saturday, May 26, 2007

It's time for the annual Memorial Day race around the Island :)

I hope this doesn't happen!

I like Obama :)

I'm not sure why Inouye is supporting Hillary insteadof the local boy.. maybe he thinks she has a better chance :(

After listening to Michelle describe their first date.. art museums and the Spike Lee's movie "Do the Right Thing"... gotta love that! :)

Ron Paul speaks the truth (again) on Real Time :)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Giuliani is a liar!

So are most of the GOP that repeat the "talking points".. that whole you need to repeat it enough until people think it's true..

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

So is this why they took away solider's access to MySpace last week?

Another "family values" GOP talking head's family gone bad...

As reported in the Salt Lake Tribune

"The soldier son of talk radio relationship counselor Laura Schlessinger is under investigation for a graphic personal Web page that one Army official has called “repulsive.” The MySpace page, publicly available until Friday when it disappeared from the Internet, included cartoon depictions of rape, murder, torture and child molestation; photographs of soldiers with guns in their mouths; a photograph of a bound and blindfolded detainee captioned “My Sweet Little Habib”; accounts of illicit drug use; and a blog entry headlined by a series of obscenities and racial epithets.

Dr. Laura’s 21-year-old son — one of the U.S. Army’s fresh new faces — claimed on the MySpace page that his “job” was “running around this horrid place doing nasty things to people that deserve it … and some that don’t.”

The illustrations include one of a man forcing a child to suck his dick, at knifepoint and in front of the child’s terrified mother. In another, “a top-hatted man laughs as he rapes a bound and bleeding woman in front of her family.”

Deryk Schlessinger's Web site indicated he is stationed in Kandahar, Afghanistan, where, the site's author writes, "godless crazy people like me," have become "a generation of apathetic killers."

Dr. Laura. Broadcast locally on 570 KNRS, "Family Values Talk Radio," the former family counselor spends three hours daily taking calls and offering advice on morals, ethics and values. She broadcast a show from Fort Douglas, in Salt Lake City, last week.

Laura Schlessinger's appearance in Utah last week included a visit with Army families at Fort Douglas. In an interview with The Tribune, she said, "We raised our son to be a warrior."

After her Utah visit, Schlessinger received criticism for telling The Tribune that she didn't want to hear the complaints of military wives whose husbands are deployed. "He could come back without arms, legs or eyeballs, and you're bitching?" Schlessinger said. "You're not dodging bullets, so I don't want to hear any whining."

Schlessinger later wrote on her Web site - www.drlaura.com - that she was trying to communicate her belief that military spouses shouldn't complain to war-deployed family members, who have more pressing concerns. "I never whine to my son when he is able to call between missions," she wrote.

Dr. Laura has been curiously silent about her son’s bravery.

Family values? I don't think so! The Wikipedia on her is amazing (amazing that people still listen to her)

"Schlessinger received a bachelor degree from the State University of New York at Stony Brook and a Ph.D. in Physiology from Columbia University.[citation needed] A brief marriage in her early twenties ended in divorce, and she moved to Los Angeles where her parents had resettled.

Schlessinger received her certification in Marriage, Family, and Child Counseling from University of Southern California (USC) and taught at University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), University of California, Irvine, and Pepperdine University. While working at USC, she met Dr. Lewis G. Bishop, who was married with dependent children. According to divorce filings, Schlessinger and Bishop began an affair. Bishop left his wife after more than 20 years of marriage, and moved in with Schlessinger. They lived together as an unmarried couple, and Schlessginer tried to get pregnant after reversing an earlier tubal ligation and suffering an ectopic pregnancy. They married in early 1985, eight years after beginning their relationship, and Bishop became Schlessinger's business manager. Schlessinger bore their only child, Deryk Schlessinger, in November 1985, when she was 38.

In 1998, allegedly upset that he was snubbed by Schlessinger at an event, former radio mentor Bill Ballance sold to a media outlet nude photos of Schlessinger for which she had posed when she and Ballance had an affair in the 70s.

On December 16, 2002, Schlessinger's mother Yolanda was found dead in her Beverly Hills condominium by the Beverly Hills Police Department, her body having been there for months.[12] Schlessinger's estrangement from her family was again highlighted in the media as hypocrisy, as she had often chastised listeners who said they had broken off contact with their families, calling them selfish."

This is scary :( Where's the leftwing media?

President Bush has ordered up a plan for responding to a catastrophic attack.

Under that plan, he entrusts himself with leading the entire federal government, not just the Executive Branch. And he gives himself the responsibility “for ensuring constitutional government.”

He laid this all out in a document entitled:

“National Security Presidential Directive/NSPD 51” and “Homeland Security Presidential Directive/HSPD-20”

"Is life so dear, or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death!" -Patrick Henry to the House of Burgesses, 1775

Monday, May 21, 2007

Ron Paul keeps speaking the truth :)

Here is an article worth reading...

"What has been overlooked is that Paul based his position on the effects of the 1953 ouster by the CIA of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mossadegh.

An excellent account of this story is revealed in Stephen Kinzer's alarming and revealing book, "Overthrow: America's Century of Regime Change from Hawaii to Iraq," where he writes that Iran was establishing a government close to a democracy. But Mossadegh wasn't happy that the profit from the country's primary resource -- oil -- was not staying in the country.

Instead, the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (now known British Petroleum, or BP) was getting 93 percent of the profits. Mossadegh didn't like that, and wanted a 50-50 split. Kinzer writes that that didn't sit too well with the British government, but it didn't want to use force to protect its interests. But their biggest friend, the United States, didn't mind, and sought to undermine Mossadegh's tenure as president. After all kinds of measures that disrupted the nation, a coup was financed and led by President Dwight Eisenhower's CIA, and the Shah of Iran was installed as the leader. We trained his goon squads, thus angering generations of Iranians for meddling in that nation's affairs."

If people still believe him, I pity the fools!

So Bush is defending his goons going to the bed of the AG in the middle of the night when he was doped up, trying to get him to sign something but saying they were "just seeing how he was doing"

Friday, May 18, 2007

Now he needs to go to jail for lying us into war!

According to the World Bank report issued this week, Wolfowitz muttered a malediction to the head of the bank's human resources department: "If they fuck with me or Shaha, I have enough on them to fuck them too."

In case you haven't been following the story.. he also gave his girlfriend an Iraq contract.. I wonder what his wife thinks of all this!

How's this for his freaky pre 9/11 speech :(

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Wow.. I wonder if the Koolaid drinkers heard what he said....

That is, before the talking points became calling him "the nutty professor"

Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Birthday Christopher :)

are your spiedy senses tingling?

Matt, Hope you had fun at Christopher's party :)

Well, we have KIKU :) Now what about the Korean Channel...

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Mother's Day is not a "Hallmark" holiday :)

Even though it seemed that way for years, I guess because we were not at war. I guess mom's got tired of losing sons (and now daughters) in unnecessary wars and wanted peace :) Who knew!

Mother's Day Proclamation

Arise then...women of this day!
Arise, all women who have hearts!
Whether your baptism be of water or of tears!
Say firmly:
"We will not have questions answered by irrelevant agencies,
Our husbands will not come to us, reeking with carnage,
For caresses and applause.
Our sons shall not be taken from us to unlearn
All that we have been able to teach them of charity, mercy and patience.
We, the women of one country,
Will be too tender of those of another country
To allow our sons to be trained to injure theirs."

From the voice of a devastated Earth a voice goes up with
Our own. It says: "Disarm! Disarm!
The sword of murder is not the balance of justice."
Blood does not wipe our dishonor,
Nor violence indicate possession.
As men have often forsaken the plough and the anvil
At the summons of war,
Let women now leave all that may be left of home
For a great and earnest day of counsel.
Let them meet first, as women, to bewail and commemorate the dead.
Let them solemnly take counsel with each other as to the means
Whereby the great human family can live in peace...
Each bearing after his own time the sacred impress, not of Caesar,
But of God -
In the name of womanhood and humanity, I earnestly ask
That a general congress of women without limit of nationality,
May be appointed and held at someplace deemed most convenient
And the earliest period consistent with its objects,
To promote the alliance of the different nationalities,
The amicable settlement of international questions,
The great and general interests of peace.

Julia Ward Howe

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Ricky :)

Thursday, May 10, 2007


For all the media coverage, no one seem to mention that anyone that would get Circuit City to copy a tape, cannot be too bright :( I'm pretty sure their "plan" wouldn't have gotten too far.. they would of forgot to bring pizzas!

No more swimming with sharks :(

This guy died today base jumping in Canada.. very sad :(

Read the Story here

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

What a week.. I'm feeling old :(

Oil for Food scandal.. Gee! Rice was involved!

For many conservatives, the U.N.’s oil-for-food scandal was an assault on all that is good and holy. In a nutshell, Saddam Hussein took advantage of a U.N. program in which Iraq would sell oil and use the revenue for food, medicine, and humanitarian goods, as exceptions to a trade embargo imposed after the first Gulf War. Saddam, however, received illegal kickbacks on the oil sales, which he transferred to private accounts.

And who was giving Saddam the illegal kickbacks? According to a New York Times report, Chevron is about to announce that it should have known about the kickbacks that were being paid to Saddam. Chevron had an internal policy committee, as part of the company’s board of directors, looking out for these kinds of problems... led by Condoleezza Rice!

According to the Volcker report, surcharges on Iraqi oil exports were introduced in August 2000 by the Iraqi state oil company, the State Oil Marketing Organization. At the time, Condoleezza Rice, was a member of Chevron’s board and led its public policy committee, which oversaw areas of potential political concerns for the company.

"A report released in 2004 by an investigator at the Central Intelligence Agency listed five American companies that bought oil through the program: the Coastal Corporation, a subsidiary of El Paso; Chevron; Texaco; BayOil, and Mobil, now part of Exxon Mobil... As part of the deal under negotiation, Chevron, which now owns Texaco, is not expected to admit to violating the U.N. sanctions. But Chevron is expected to acknowledge that it should have been aware that illegal kickbacks were being paid to Iraq on the oil, the investigators said.

The fine is connected to the payment of about $20 million in surcharges on tens of millions of barrels of Iraqi oil bought by Chevron from 2000 to 2002, investigators said."

Ms. Rice resigned from Chevron’s board on Jan. 16, 2001, after being named national security advisor by President Bush. (and after they named a ship after her!)

Sunday, May 06, 2007

I can't believe Global Climate Change is still being debated!

Michael Crichton is an AUTHOR of fictional stories on disasters and epidemics, so of course he thinks scientists are out to sell fear, because he does. The fact that he thinks people believe in Climate Change because fear sells and not because they are observing real changes.. melting glaciers, rising temperatures, oh no, not real.. you only are seeing what the scientists say is happening.. don't believe your eyes, it's not happening, they are only trying to get grants...

What do the scientific studies report?

And why are the results under-reported?

The DC saga continues :(

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Ever wonder why the Republicans picked an elephant for their mascot?

**WARNING** Not for the squeemish! This video is very disturbing yet fascinating at the same time :) Who knows why the elephant is doing this, but the repugs have been having to do it a lot lately (that is, eat the * their fellow repugs)

So sad for Pat Tillman's family :(

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Mission Accomplished?

Where have all the bees gone?

This is a problem for the food chain since many non-human foods are also pollinated by bees. The article below says they're unsure if it's a virus, bacteria or genomic problem, but Vice President Cheney has been briefed, so I'm sure he'll attack the problem soon! Read about it here :(