Tuesday, January 30, 2007

FOX NEWS has hit a new low :(

I guess they want to take the low road to boost ratings :( Not only to they get Bushbot Norris to fill in for Sleaze Hannity.. he pulls an O'Reilly and tries to attack a kid for his rap music and how Iraq was better with Saddam

Here's his video.. very sad.. every American should be ashamed for letting our country do this to another and ignoring the lies of our leaders

Well, Vista is out finally!

We'll see how many patches it needs! Hopefully, this means Jobs will release Leopard and I can make my own widgets :D

and I couldn't resist John's attack on Dearth Cheney!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Would have been nice to be in D.C. this weekend :)

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Cool prehistoric shark coming up from the deep

They are rare and live at 2000 ft, too bad this one died soon after capture.. he looks either old or ill :(

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Barabara, here's his madrasa!

Looks like the neighborhood in Jakarta where you lived :) That mass email you forwarded trying to smear Obama seems to have backfired.. the fact checkers got on it at CNN! I'm not sure where you got it, but it seems the senders are afraid of both him and Hillary and tried to create a "situation" that wasn't there :)

Of course, the FOX anchor won't leave this story alone.. says the CNN reporter probably went to the same school... what a jerk

Listen to Gibson's response From ThinkProgress.org:

GIBSON: The whole point of this story last week, and, you know, Blitzer’s just been on their air with some update on this, right?

HOST: Yeah, he sent a reporter out there.

GIBSON: Yeah, cause they got a reporter in Indonesia, probably went to the very madrassa, now works for CNN. But that reporter went out there, and what did they see when they went to the madrassa where Barack Obama went to school?

HOST: Kids playing volleyball.

GIBSON: Playing volleyball, right. They didn’t see them in any terrorist training camps?


GIBSON: No. Um, but they probably didn’t show them in their little lessons where they’re bobbing their heads and memorizing the Koran.

Olberman said this before Bush said he was sending more troops

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The State of the Union is not good :(

but John this will be our year :)

Another very bad idea.. no wonder his approval ratings are at the lowest ever!

and his wingman wingnut Cheney hasn't been right one single time on Iraq...

Monday, January 22, 2007

FOX has to take back what they said...

OK, that didn't work, so lets attack him for smoking! (and hiding it, which he doesn't unlike like Laura Bush does :) and then call him Mammy and say the only reason people are paying attention to him is because he's black.. these people have no shame :(

and of course, Tom Delay "suggested" bloggers look into Obama's background...

You think they found this? How can anyone not find his Punahou senior page funny.. the guy has a beer bottle and a turntable.. hardly the "radical muslim" they are trying to suggest! He should tell them LATERS!!!

Sunday, January 21, 2007

So now they're trying to smear Obama and blame it on Hillary, trying to get two bird with one stone! :(

Wouldn't it be funny if they ended up on the same ticket :)

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Colbert visits O'Reilly in the no spin zone...

and manages to get him so confused, he doesn't make sense.

Then O'Reilly goes on Colbert...

Get rid of Gonzales!

I can't believe Gonzales made this comment concerning habeas corpus from the Senate Judiciary Committee hearings:

"Specter: Now wait a minute, wait a minute. The Constitution says you can't take it away except in the case of invasion or rebellion. Doesn't that mean you have the right of habeas corpus?

Gonzales: I meant by that comment that the Constitution doesn't say that every individual in the United States or every citizen has or is assured the right of habeas corpus. It doesn't say that. It simply says that the right of habeas corpus shall not be suspended.

Article I, Section 9:

The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it."

Alberto Gonzales should not only be impeached for his willfully obtuse interpretations of the Constitution, he should be disbarred.

Woo hoo! It's friday!!! :D

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Congradulations Charlotte!

He sounds like a great guy! can't wait to meet him :)

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Congradulations Jan!


I'm not one to defend lawyers, especially big corporate law firms.. but they are being listed like they were communists!

and even the Pentagon had to make him appologized here
"The Pentagon on Saturday disavowed a senior official's remarks suggesting companies boycott law firms that represent detainees at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Charles "Cully" Stimson, the deputy assistant secretary of defense for detainee affairs, said in a radio interview last week that companies might want to consider taking their business to other firms that do not represent suspected terrorists."

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

John is going to try to help Condi..

but Bill is there to try and save her..

I posted my opinion on this whole absurdity a few posts down..

Monday, January 15, 2007

Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day!!

Would O'Reilly tell this great man to shut up? Unfortunately his words are still true today, 45 years later :(

Could this man have the same courage to speak out?

Sunday, January 14, 2007

Will the lies ever stop ?

Now they're lying about Iran and saying they are the problem.. storming the emabassy and sending another carrier into the Persian Gulf and taking the same talk on Iran as Iraq...

and of course, Murtha saw this months ago...

Rush is out for Iran

He even pushed a made up story...

RUSH: (story) "The Iranian government, led by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, has decided that badges will be required for non-Muslims in Iran. Human rights groups [amazingly], are raising alarms over this." I don't recall human rights groups coming to the defense of Christians lately, but I guess they've got no choice here. Human rights groups, "raising alarms over a new law passed by the Iranian parliament that would require the consultant's Jews and Christians to wear colored badges to identify them and other religious minorities as non-Muslims. 'This is reminiscent of the Holocaust,' said Rabbi Marvin Heier, the dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center in Los Angeles. 'Iran is moving closer and closer to the ideology of the Nazis.'" Well, he's right, but he's not the first to say it. Let's go back to me, April 17th on this very program.


RUSH ARCHIVE: Churchill had this problem back in the thirties with Hitler. It's eerie how similar this is. Hitler was rearming; he was engaged in turning his population into a bunch of psychos. He was creating the Nazi Party, and Churchill is out there warning everybody, and nobody wanted to listen to him -- and we got the era of Neville Chamberlain, and because nobody wanted to listen to Churchill, nobody thought he knew what he was talking about -- because nobody wanted war.

"Ah, let him do what he wants to do. He's not going to attack us. It doesn't matter," and there's an eerie parallel here because while the Iranians are doing the same thing, a bunch of experts say, "Ah, it's just bluster. They can't get a bomb for ten years. We don't need to do anything," and we've got all these experts in this country saying (breathless), "If we do anything in Iran, it's going to look just like Iraq! It's going to be a mistake!"


RUSH: The parallels are eerie. Once again a demonstration of this program keeping you on the cutting edge of societal evolution.

Unfortunately, I cannot link the orignial story since both the NY post and Canada.com both admitted it was false and removed it.. of course Rush's website or Rush himself won't admit that! Of course the guy who made up the story gets invited to the White House

"Two weeks ago, Amir Taheri published an op-ed in Canada's National Post about an Iranian law that forced Jews to wear a yellow stripe. The story, reminiscent of Nazi Germany, quickly provoked outrage, but was just as quickly revealed to be a total fabrication. It also ran in the New York Post.

Apparently this is just the sort of reliable advice that President Bush needs. Yesterday, Taheri had a face-to-face with the President as one of a small group of "experts" on Iraq that visited the White House.

According to Press Secretary Tony Snow, the experts were invited to the White House for their "honest opinions" on Iraq."

Condi is an idiot

So Abercrombie criticized Condi in the Star Bulletin by saying she was "the most overrated, underperforming individual in executive authority that I have ever seen."

"She constantly gets a pass. Who knows if the whole question of race and gender come into it, but ... I can't account for it, except to say she isn't up to the mark," Abercrombie said. Rice is scheduled to testify before the Senate.

And for some reason, someone thinks this is a personal attack. So if she were a white guy and he said the same thing.. it wouldn't be personal? A f*ckup is a f*ckup and he has every right to criticize her bad performance and wonder why she hasn't been held accountable (at least retired and given the medal of freedom).. oh that's right, according to Laura Bush, she doesn't have a family, so she has no one she can spend more time with (other than her "husband", the President).. but he did promote her to Secretary of State after screwing up the whole "Osama determined to strike in the United States" bullshit and when she wrote an article for the New York Times in January 2003, titled "Why We Know Iraq is Lying", explaining that Iraq's claims to have disarmed were sheer folly. She also warned before that war, "We do know that Saddam Hussein is actively pursuing a nuclear weapon... "We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud"... she has lied and been wrong about everything and when the senate finally gets up the courage to criticize her, all the media wants to talk about is her lack of children..

Confusing? because you are an idiot! Barbara Boxer was saying that the military families were paying the price for this war.. not her, with older children, or you with none. The point is YOU ARE NOT PAYING THE ULTIMATE PRICE SINCE YOU WILL NOT LOSE A LOVED ONE AS A RESULT OF YOUR DECISIONS!

but of course the FOX machine will spin it for you!

but I'll make a personal statement... she's also a jerk! according to The Guardian

"Several anecdotes exemplify Rice's attitude to her race and also her ferocity when attacked. She famously told one interviewer: 'Let me explain to you: I speak French, I play Bach, I'm better in your culture than you are.'

On another occasion, when Rice was an academic at Stanford, she was shopping for expensive jewellery with a friend when a white clerk made some hostile comments. 'Let's get one thing straight,' Rice reportedly told him. 'You're behind the counter because you have to work for six dollars an hour. I'm on this side asking to see the good jewellery because I make considerably more."

Saturday, January 13, 2007

These tadpoles are cute, but I think they killed my koi :(

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Olbermann is on a roll...

Well, I survived the fashionistas!

First day of class today... better get ready :)

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A Reagan Conservative compares Bush to Hitler!

Paul Craig Roberts, an economist who once served as President Reagan's Assistant Secretary of the Treasury compares President George W. Bush to Adolf Hitler in a column at the libertarian website Anti-war.com...

"The reason the US has not been driven out of Iraq is that the majority Shi’ites have not been part of the insurgency. The Shi’ites are attacking the Sunnis, who are forced to fight a two-front war against US troops and Shi’ite militias and death squads.The US owes its presence in Iraq, just as the colonial powers always owed their presence in the Middle East, to the disunity of Arabs. Western domination of the Muslim world succeeded by not picking a fight with all of the disunited Arabs at the same time.

Attacking the Shi’ite militias while fighting a Sunni insurgency would violate this rule. If Bush ignores US military commanders and expert opinion and accepts the surge option advanced by the delusional neocon allies of Israel’s right-wing Likud Party, US troops will be engulfed in general insurgency. This is why General John Abizaid resigned on January 5. He wants no part of the Republican Party’s sacrifice of US soldiers to sectarian conflict."

Then he drops the H Bomb...

"Bush is like Hitler. He blames defeats on his military commanders, not on his own insane policy. Like Hitler, he protects himself from reality with delusion. In his last hours, Hitler was ordering non-existent German armies to drive the Russians from Berlin."

Read it for yourself here

Bush wants to send more troops.. at a cost of $6.8 Billion

here's the story

Snow, doesn't know!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Corporate offices of God.. what is going on up there?

Saturday, January 06, 2007

On the Big Island, what to do, what to do :)

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

If Americans knew... what would they do?

from Postsecret

Happy Daily Show Holidays!

The Holiday break is almost over so they can get back to work :)

and wait for the world to change :(

If only more football games were like this :)

Can't stand the game, but I like watching the roller coaster ride that the people who cared how it turned out were on.. the looks are their faces are priceless :) We got a fake play, a few touch downs, and then another fake play by the same team (you think they'd learn), and then a marriage proposal by the guy who won the game to his cheerleader girlfriend to top it off! I guess UH gets some of the winners money since Boise is in the same league.. so the outcome affects me slightly...

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!

Memories of a great concert and a great song! I'll put the bootleg in my ipod when I get it :D