Sunday, April 29, 2007

President Bush's Ambassador for his Abstinence-based anti-AIDS plan for Africa wasn't exactly, um — abstinent?

Which is fine for a married man... too bad it was with Prostitutes! Both Bush and Condi are "saddened" by this recent news :(

They are about to be "saddened" more..

The Washington Post reports "the list has 10,000 to 15,000 names and phone numbers. Some.. have inquired about whether accommodations could be made to keep their identities private. ABC is expected to air a report on Palfrey and her clients on "20/20" on May 4... the list includes the names of some "very prominent people" .. Two weeks ago, in court documents about calling former clients to testify on her behalf, Palfrey named Harlan K. Ullman, an academic whose main claim to fame was a scholarly paper he wrote more than a decade ago on the military strategy known as "shock and awe" ..also filed notice that he intends to depose political consultant Dick Morris in a separate civil proceeding. Morris would not comment.

Former U.S. AID director Randall Tobias, who resigned yesterday upon admitting that he frequented a Washington escort service, oversaw a controversial policy advocated by the religious right that required any US-based group receiving anti-AIDS funds to take an anti-prostitution “loyalty oath.” Aid groups bitterly opposed the policy, charging that it “was so broad — and applied even to their private funds — that it would obstruct their outreach to sex workers who are at high risk of transmitting the AIDS virus.” But President Bush wouldn’t budge. He signed a 2003 National Security Presidential Directive saying prostitution “and related activities” were “inherently harmful and dehumanizing.”

The Hypocrisy never ends!

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Yes, Let's hold people accountable!!!

"When the Berlin Wall fell and Eastern Europe escaped from the shackles of communism, I wrote that we must not forget the enablers, apologists and other "fellow travelers" who helped sustain communism's grip on a sizable portion of humanity for much of the 20th century. I suggested that a "cultural war crimes tribunal" be convened, at which people from academia, the media, government and the clergy who were wrong in their assessment of communism would be forced to confront their mistakes. While not wishing to deprive anyone of his or her right to be wrong, it wouldn't hurt for these people to be held accountable.

That advice was not taken - but today we are presented with another opportunity in the form of scores of false media prophets who predicted disaster should the U.S. military confront and seek to oust the murderous regime of Saddam Hussein. The purpose of a cultural war crimes tribunal would be to remind the public of journalism's many mistakes, as well as the errors of certain politicians and retired generals, and allow it to properly judge their words the next time they feel the urge to prophesy...

All of the printed and voiced prophecies should be saved in an archive. When these false prophets again appear, they can be reminded of the error of their previous ways and at least be offered an opportunity to recant and repent.

Cal Thomas
April 15, 2003

Of course, there would be no one left at FOX news, or any network or newspaper that pushed the neocon agenda, despite the FACTS that were available at the time! Let's look at the archive and see who were the false prophets and reminded them of the error of their previous ways and offer them an opportunity to recant and repent. You first Cal!

Dinosaurs are back!

One of the funniest shows for kids... too bad it's not still on the air :(

I guess making fun of ABC, Disney and Corporate America did them in :(

Of course, having the creator, Jim Henson, die didn't help :( He died of pneumonia caused by severe Streptococcus "A" bacteria at the age of 53 on May 16, 1990. Which is the same bacteria I need to study for my final :(

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Friday, April 27, 2007

Yea! It's the weekend!

That had to hurt :(

What the hell is wrong with the Repugs!?!

Aren't they the party of family values? Didn't he teach his kids anything? Maybe the discussion he should of had at the dinner table was "Son, don't carry a loaded gun onto a plane" I could tell he was a little out of touch when he called Steven Colbert "a real conservative, just like me" Click here to watch the interview.. I guess he missed Colbert at last years White House Correspondent's Dinner :)

Huckabee's Son Arrested With Gun

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) - David Huckabee, a son of Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, was arrested at an Arkansas airport Thursday after a federal X-ray technician detected a loaded Glock pistol in his carry-on luggage.

Had a final today... very tired.. going to be a busy week!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

McCain is digging his own hole!

Lighten up and get a life? While thousands are losing theirs because of his (and people like him) support for this illegal war! How dare he say that! What nerve!

Bush said what?

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Wow, the Israeli army shot a Nobel Peace Prize Winner

Well this should bring attention to the issue (I hope!)

Footage showing Irish Noble Peace Prize recipient, Mairead Maguire getting shot by Israeli army who opened fire at peaceful demonstrators in the West Bank village of Bilin on April 20, 2007, following the international conference on popular resistance (April 18-20, 2007). Maguire was shot by a rubber-coated-metal bullet in the leg. Maguire speaks after she received first aid.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Val, we missed our chance to bang coconuts!

I guess the record was attempted in New York last year! Well, we're not dead yet!

Well after too many hours in the lab, I wonder if I should be doing benchwork :)

How about celebrities doing biochemistry :)

Monday, April 23, 2007

Talented kitty!!

This should be an interesting read...

It was only a matter of time before the boys of Blackwater got tired of the blood money :(

Sunday, April 22, 2007

An experiment or an inconvient time?

Listen to the violin piece.. would you stop if you were late for work?

Maybe he should take notes :(

Don't blame God, blame the NRA!

Other countries have wackos and no religion, but they have strict gun laws and no school shootings!

It was funnier last year :)

David Letterman is no Steven Colbert, but you can tell he enjoys making fun of Bush :)

It's hard to see the people you trust to be objective, are having a fun night with the people they are suppose to report on :(

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Jon does it again :)

What does Ali Allawi have to say?

Rove didn't want the war?

Must have been Cheney's bad idea! The biggest war profiteer! Just ask the IRS

Friday, April 20, 2007

"I don't Recall" is so Reagan era!

Wolfowitz should be out!

Well, he's laying low

From Salon:

"Not only did the World Bank president find his companion Shaha Ali Riza a cushy job in the State Department, but she received a security clearance — unprecedented for a foreign national. [..]

(I)n 2006 Wolfowitz made a series of calls to his friends that landed her a job at a new think tank called Foundation for the Future that is funded by the State Department. She was the sole employee, at least in the beginning. The World Bank continued to pay her salary, which was raised from $60,000 to $193,590 annually, more than the $183,500 paid to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and all of it tax-free. Moreover, Wolfowitz got the State Department to agree that the ratings of her performance would automatically be "outstanding." Wolfowitz insisted on these terms himself and then misled the World Bank board about what he had done.

Exactly how this deal was made and with whom remains something of a mystery. The person who did work with Riza in her new position was Elizabeth Cheney, then the deputy assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs. And Riza's assignment fell under the purview of Karen Hughes, undersecretary of state for public diplomacy. But these facts raise more questions than they answer."

Ah, but Bush has nothing but "full confidence" in the job Wolfowitz is doing. In any other reality, this guy would be out on the sidewalk filing for unemployment. But in BushWorld, this level of corruption is a good thing.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

McCain wants to bomb Iran

It's bad enough to say it, but to sing it?!

Well.. I start dog sitting today :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

I don't think it's a good time to buy a house :(

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Hope you got your taxes in.. now what are they going to do with it?

Apple's newest inventions :)

Monday, April 16, 2007

Seems like the world is getting into biodiesel :)

Nancy Grace is nuts!

Friday, April 13, 2007

HOW can FIVE MILLION emails be "lost"?

How stupid do they think people are? Not everyone is a Bushbot.. half the country was smart enough not to vote for Bush TWICE! The other half should feel bad for supporting such crooks and not fact checking before they went to the polls!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Well.. seems like Imus is out

Now if they just treated Rush, Ann Coulter and Glenn Beck with the same standard!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Could a Punahou grad be the next president?

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Wow.. Bush almost blew himself up! Not surprising :(

Credit Ford Motor Co. CEO Alan Mulally with saving the leader of the free world from self-immolation.

Mulally told journalists at the New York auto show that he intervened to prevent President Bush from plugging an electrical cord into the hydrogen tank of Ford's hydrogen-electric plug-in hybrid at the White House last week. Ford wanted to give the Commander-in-Chief an actual demonstration of the innovative vehicle, so the automaker arranged for an electrical outlet to be installed on the South Lawn and ran a charging cord to the hybrid. However, as Mulally followed Bush out to the car, he noticed someone had left the cord lying at the rear of the vehicle, near the fuel tank.

"I just thought, 'Oh my goodness!' So, I started walking faster, and the President walked faster and he got to the cord before I did. I violated all the protocols. I touched the President. I grabbed his arm and I moved him up to the front," Mulally said. "I wanted the president to make sure he plugged into the electricity, not into the hydrogen This is all off the record, right?"

Read it here

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Do the Math :)

I think I'll keep my calculator :)

Hey Thomas.. Reunion is erupting :)

looks a lot like the Big Island!

Friday, April 06, 2007

FOX News poll has Bush as Most Foolish American

But you'd never know it if you listened to the audio.. they can't bring themselves to report it, even if it's a fact :)

But FAUX News has never really reported News

Just turn off your TV.. and LIVE YOUR LIFE!

Hey Dad, Check out these new cars :)

Be careful of what's on Craigslist...

WOW.. the Wingnuts are pulling no punches...

Tensions must be high.. got Gerry Rivers taking on O'Really

GERALDO: "Cool your jets! It has nothing to do with illegal aliens…it has to do with drunk driving! Don't obscure a tragedy to make a cheap political point. It is a cheap political point and you know it!!"

Bush has no clue!

Cheney's probably sending answers to Bush's earpiece

Thursday, April 05, 2007

It's a long weekend.. watch out for those bar bets!

I wanna hold your hand... cuteness!

Dad, I hope you're feeding the fish :)

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I'm glad they're released.. but what about the hostages WE have?

They're telling us the same lies again!

Do we really want to destroy another beautiful country?